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  • Andrew Pritzker

The Key to Key Art

E.P.G. Spec Art #4


“We need a One Sheet?”

“Um, what?”

“It’s a movie poster.”

“So why the fancy name?”

“It’s traditional Hollywood jargon, but more to the point, a One Sheet tells the story of your film in one key image. One image sells the premise and feel of your movie. That’s the key to the art.

“So a One Sheet needs Key Art?”

“Exactly. One key image says it all.”


Film ideas are complex, multilayered things full of possibilities. Built and rebuilt, there are a hundred directions a story might go. It’s important to discover the essence of your film, its theme, look, and feel, but how do you communicate that with a single image?

E.P.G. is a twisted sci-fi tale about two men caught in a trap, a nexus of converging possibilities. It's a story about curiosity, ego, and personal loss, a challenge to our understanding of existence.

E.P.G. Spec Art #2

As the screenplay developed, ideas about Key Art came into the mix, a visual means of testing concepts and sharpening story focus.

E.P.G. Spec Art #1

With no explanation beyond the film’s title, spec images were posted on Facebook to gauge the public’s reaction. People seemed intrigued by the art but were they hooked? Would these spec images convince them to see E.P.G.? Was there a connection?


Creative endeavors need an image, something people can relate to and trust. It may be a logo with a pleasing design or an ad campaign to reinforce a message. Film is no different. What does a film's Key Art promise you? Action? Romance? Comedy? What is it trying to say?

Pinnacle Graphics Spec #1 for E.P.G.

After we wrapped E.P.G. and moved to post it was vital to stay true to our concept. Key Art was vital. We needed a dynamic One Sheet, something to convey our theme and intent. Kim Watson at

Pinnacle Graphics (Columbia, MO) was engaged to explore and visualize the world of E.P.G..

Pinnacle Graphics Spec Art for E.P.G. #2


Before a single pencil line was drawn, a conversation began to take shape. Dissecting the script and discussing its characters, Kim absorbed the themes of E.P.G. and started to create. After a few spec images, a concept emerged and became the Key Art for E.P.G..

After a few tweaks, our One Sheet will go to print. As part of a promotional package aimed at international Film Festivals, we’ll let the Key Art speak for itself. That's the whole point.

E.P.G. KEY ART #7 - Qikfinger Films / Pinnacle Graphics

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